Life Without Home Internet

Rediscovering Joy and Productivity

2 min read

Internet LED signage beside building near buildings
Internet LED signage beside building near buildings

I want to share my recent adventure of living without internet access at home. Yep, you heard that right. It’s been a mix of frustration and rediscovery, and I’ve learned some valuable lessons along the way.

Initial Reactions and Concerns

When I first realised I’d be without internet at home, I was bummed. The cause? My own forgetfulness. My main concern was how I'd manage emergencies without internet access. Thankfully, topping up my prepaid mobile gave me some peace of mind. I could still access the internet for emergencies and video calls.

Adjusting My Daily Routine

Without internet at home, my routine had to change. Now, I prep my own lunchbox and head to local free wifi spots after the morning school run. Before, I’d stay home and get endlessly distracted by social media or chores. Now, I’m spending more time reading, playing board games with my kids, and being creative with them.

Strategic Work and Productivity

At the free wifi spots, I download study materials and make lists of what I need to do at home and what requires internet access. At home, I focus on designs, writing, and creating—things that don’t need the internet. I’ve become more strategic, jotting down tasks to research before heading out. I rotate between different wifi spots near me. When I'm at my favourite wifi spot (the local airport), I move around, making sure not to disturb the travellers there.

Unexpected Benefits

Living without constant internet access has reminded me of life before the web. It’s brought a sense of simplicity and made me realise how dependent I was on being connected. I used to spend hours watching TikTok and YouTube videos without moving forward on my projects. Now, I’m actually creating and making progress.

Lessons Learned

This experience taught me not to rely so heavily on the internet. It has its purpose, but it’s also a major distraction. I’ve become more aware of my time and more productive without the constant online temptations. My kids are less reactive and fight less, and we’re enjoying a slower, more creative life together.

If you remember life before the internet, you might appreciate this throwback to simpler times. It’s been a refreshing change, and I encourage you to give your mind a break from the constant distractions of the web. Try it out. Disconnect from the web for a day and see what happens. You might be surprised at the result and revelations.